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Vacation Bible School is a great week where children come to church to learn about Jesus. We have games, activities, snacks and videos that all point us to our main purpose, the Bible story. 


Children are placed in crews, to help go through each station as a group. They remain with their same crew all week, so many friendships are formed throughout the week.


Our VBS runs Mon-Thursday 6-8:30p.m. and we have our last day during our Sunday morning worship service, 9:30a.m.


Children 3 years-completed 5th grade are invited to come, and IT'S FREE!

Register child for VBS

VBS is for children 3 years old through completed 5th grade. Please click the link below to register your child/children. Please register only 1 child per form. 


I want to help!

VBS is one of the greatest weeks at OHCC. It is not just great for the children in attendance but also for the workers. A week like this takes a lot of extra help. If you'd like to join the Stellar Crew please click below.


Supply List

Would you like to help support VBS but are unable to be here in person? Each station requires different supplies each year. Below is this year's supply list, if you are interested in helping with the supplies!

Image by Jo Szczepanska
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